The general management of CARTHAGE CEMENT informs its partners, its staff and the public that it has successfully closed its capital increase in advance with an amount collected of around 206 million dinars, representing 77% of the initial amount of 268.5 million dinars.
On this occasion, the company would like to express its sincere thanks to its staff for their dedication, to all the subscribers for their commitment, as well as to all its partners and funders for their loyalty. Once again, CARTHAGE CEMENT has kept its promises to its donors. This represents a great success for this Tunisian market leader despite the context in which the operation was carried out. It is also a success for its shareholders, old and new, who will support the company in achieving its objectives, but also who believed in the ability to succeed and in the future of the company.
It is recalled that a capital increase of 268.5 million dinars was decided by the general meeting of which 68.2 million paid out by offsetting receivables owed to Bina Corp and Al Karama Holding, and the rest by a raising of funds on the market. After the closing of the increase, the company’s capital was increased to 343.6 million dinars